superior sweepstakes rules
The Superior Morgan Sweepstakes Program is a “Limited Breeders” event. Stallion owners will donate one stud service per year to fund the jackpot. Each stallion service will be auctioned off at the Superior Morgan Sale, and all monies will be added to the jackpot for that year’s crop of foals. ONLY one foal produced by the winning bidder and one foal produced by the stallion owner will be eligible to show for the accumulated prize money.
Auction Procedure:
- 1Auction of stallion service will happen as the stallion is being presented (if present).
- If stallion is not present, video or photos will be displayed on the overhead screen while auction is conducted.
- Starting bid is half of the listed stud fee.
- The stallion owner is NOT held to a mandatory minimum bid.
- Highest bid at the fall of the gavel is the purchaser of the stallion service.
- If a stallion does not receive any bids in the sale ring, they will be listed as Open.
a. The stallion owner has the option until 8:30 AM the next morning to buy back their own stallion’s service in the sale office, giving them TWO eligible foals.
b. After 8:30 AM, ANYONE may buy that stallion’s service in the sale office for the minimum starting bid and breed a Sweepstakes-eligible foal. This is First Come First Served. Stallions will remain Open until December 31 of the auction year. - The name of the person or entity written on the sales ticket must also be the owner or AMHA registered leaseholder of the mare the day the Sweepstakes-eligible foal is born, or a transfer form must be on file.
Transferability of Stallion Service:
- The stallion service will be transferable until July 1 of the year following the auction.
- If stallion service is transferred, buyer receives ALL rights to that nomination, including declaration of up to five mares in foal.
- Exceptions to this will only be made in case of a legal matter (divorce, estate, etc.)
Sweepstakes Eligibility:
- If the winning bidder produces multiple foals by the same stallion, he/she will be allowed to select the one that they wish to nominate for the Sweepstakes. The same is true for the stallion owners. Entries must be submitted on the sweepstakes entry form, which is mailed in September and due 2 weeks prior to the event.
- Mares producing Sweepstakes-eligible foals MUST BE owned or have a breeding lease registered with the AMHA in the name of the winning bidder or the stallion owner at the time of foaling OR have a Sweepstakes Nomination Transfer Form on file with the Superior Sweepstakes. (Only exceptions to this will be in case of legal matters (divorce, etc.)
- ALL mares in foal must be declared on the Mare Declaration form by December 31 of the year following the auction!
Mares must be listed on this form and must be owned OR have a recorded lease with the AMHA in the name of the owner of the nomination. Any mares not fitting those guidelines will NOT be eligible to produce a Sweepstakes foal. - There is a limit of FIVE expected foals per stallion, if you have more than one embryo transfer foal of the same breeding, they must be listed separately.
Transferability of Foals and Mares in Foal:
- ALL Sweepstakes-eligible foals and mares in foal are transferable, with no limit to the number of times they can be transferred.
- Transfers are open until the beginning of each year’s Superior Weanling Sweepstakes class.
- Transfers MUST BE reported to the Superior Morgan Sweepstakes office within 30 days OR prior to the beginning of the Superior Weanling Sweepstakes event, whichever timeframe is shorter.
- If a stallion owner or winning bidder produces multiple foals, they can choose to sell one of those foals AND include their Sweepstakes eligibility if they wish.
- If a foal or a mare in foal are transferred along with a Sweepstakes nomination, that foal or resulting foal becomes the ONLY weanling eligible for Sweepstakes entry for that specific nomination.
Q: What if I buy a stallion service, but my mare doesn’t get in foal? Do I lose my Sweepstakes eligibility?
A: YOU are still Sweepstakes eligible. We suggest buying or leasing a mare that is already in foal to the stallion whose service you purchased. If it is prior to July 1, you also have the option of selling that Sweepstakes nomination. As long as YOU are the owner or leaseholder the day the foal is born, that baby will be Sweepstakes-eligible! Eligibility does NOT transfer from year to year. If you buy in the 2021 auction, you are ONLY eligible to show in the 2023 Superior Weanling Sweepstakes class.
Q: What if the stallion I purchase becomes unable to breed due to injury or death?
A: In that specific case, your purchase will be refunded.